Suicide Prevention
What Are Suicide Warning Signs?
Verbally threatening to kill themselves.
Obtaining lethal means
Gaining access to firearms, dangerous drugs, poison, or other means.
Talking about death
Bringing up death or suicide in conversations, writing about dying, or posting on social media about suicide.
Drastic mood swings
Hopelessness, feeling trapped, rage, anger, irritability, anxiety, or vengeful thoughts.
Risky behaviors
Acting recklessly or increasing drug or alcohol use.
Uncharacteristic behaviors
Sleeping too little or too much, avoiding friends and family members, giving away prized possessions, and expressing goodbye sentiments to loved ones.
Verbal suicide threats are among the most serious suicide warning signs. Some people may think that if a person talks about killing themselves, they aren’t serious, but this is not true. Someone who talks about ending their life may already have a plan to do so. As a mental health first aider, take every suicide threat seriously, even if it sounds like a joke or offhand remark.

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